What we've been up to in 2022
so far.....

We’ve had a busy year so far at the council, some of the projects we’ve been involved with include: commissioning a Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey; securing a grant from the South of Scotland Tree Planting Scheme to plant a small woodland at the school; taking part in the Citizens Panel pilot project led by Dumfries and Galloway Council; working with the council to start preparing a local place plan; liaising with Scottish Woodlands re the Waterside Hill community area; taking on the old phone box as an exhibition space; working on local access ideas; continuing to be involved in the Glenkens District Trust; awarding microgrants to local people and projects; representing local residents concerns with respect to road and pavement issues; joining the Imagining New Futures programme and preparing to be part of the Glenkens Community Learning Programme led by the Regional Land Use Partnership Pilot. 


We are currently preparing responses to the Forestry and Land Scotland Communities Consultation, the Biodiversity Bill, the Land Reform Bill and the Circular Economy Bill - you can contact us to feed into the Community Council response or fill them out yourself as an individual.

Galloway Mining Exploration

We're keeping a close eye on the proposals for mining exploration in the region and would be interested to hear any thoughts from local residents.

Planning Applications and Forestry Proposals

Trostan New Woodland Creation

Lochrennie New Woodland Creation

Divot Hill Windfarm (click for more info)

Holm Hill 132kv Substation  (click for more info)

Place Plan for Dalry